Mauricio Abril, independent artist, concept artist, and art instructor, sits down with us to discuss the movies that have influenced him in his journey to becoming the creative man he is today. Be sure to check out Mauricio's new children's book, Small Dogs, featuring his original story and delightful artwork. Listen in, as we discuss giddy nightmares, removing your cap, romancing superheroes, and welcoming failure.

Have something to say about Mauricio's movie choices?  Want to share a film that influenced you?  Have a question or comment about Movies Made Me?  Visit our Contact Us page to send us a message.  Or you can email us directly at [email protected].  We'd love to hear from you!

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Here are links to items of interest mentioned in episode 51:

Mauricio Abril online

Small Dogs

A Smallville Man - short film

A Gotham Fairytale - short film

Computer Graphics Master Academy (CGMA) 2D Design Programs

Be sure to join us February 20 for episode 52, our 2nd Anniversary Celebration! We'll be bringing together a fantastic group of special guests to take a fun and wildly off-topic look back at the past year of Movies Made Me!

Also, join us for episode 53 on March 6, when we'll bring you a great conversation featuring Katherine Elhoffer, creator of Elhoffer Design geek bound apparel.

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