David Blake Lucarelli, author of the graphic novel series The Children's Vampire Hunting Brigade, editor of the horror anthology Winter Horror Days (also featuring our episode 2 guest Janet Joyce Holden) and motion picture ADR Recordist, discusses the films that have influenced him to be the person he is today.  Join us, as we delve into completing the circle, living in other worlds, loving your favorite rock band even when they threaten to sue, and swimming with Cheap Trick.

Have you ever wished you could see a full list of all the amazing films chosen by Movies Made Me guests?  We've got you covered!  Just visit our Complete List of Influential Films page to download the list.  It's a great way to look over all the films mentioned on the show and note the ones you want to watch!

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Here are a few links to items of interest mentioned in episode 24:

The Children's Vampire Hunting Brigade

Winter Horror Days on Amazon

Horror Writers Association

David Blake Lucarelli on IMDB

Twitter Mentions