Martin Casella, playwright and actor, best known for his role as Marty in Poltergeist, joins us to discuss his career in film, his success in live theater, and the films that have most influenced him to be the man he is today.  Listen in, as we chat about Capracorn, seeing the world through film, the many routes to catharsis, and the wisdom of film critics.

We now have the complete list of influential films chosen by our Movies Made Me guests available for you to view and print!  Just visit our Complete List of Influential Films page and you'll have the chance to download a pdf of the list!  We will also continue to update our Most Influential Films list, so you can quickly see the movies that have been mentioned by more than one guest.

Help us prepare for our first anniversary episode!  Use the Contact Us page to let us know about any episodes or films mentioned on the show that you've particularly enjoyed.  You can also let us know about a film that has influenced you and how it has done so!  We may include your comments in our special episode!