As a podcaster, sometimes things come down to the wire...and then go haywire. I was all set to bring you a conversation with writer/director Maggie Levin this week, but we were recording at the last minute and I was going to scramble to edit and get the episode out on time. But, life intervened and I came down with a tremendous cold (coughing, pink eye...the works) and had to cancel out of all my plans on a very packed weekend (except Avengers: Endgame, I still used my ticket to see that before everyone started spouting spoilers). But, you're still due an episode, so past guest and head of Dragon Wagon Radio Jake Lloyd and I recorded from separate locations to bring you a light, free-ranging conversation. I hope you'll enjoy it. And Maggie Levin should be my guest on the next episode...if things don't go haywire again.

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Here are links to items of interest mentioned in episode 109:

Historical Roasts, coming May 27 on Netflix

Me, You and 30 Other Men

Be sure to join me for these upcoming episodes:

May 13: Episode 110, featuring writer/director Maggie Levin.

Movies Made Me is a part of the Dragon Wagon Radio independent podcast network. Learn more at

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