Batter up, Movies for Life listeners, because we're talking about a pair of great baseball movies today on the show! Though there are a lot of movies to pick from in this category, we picked the two that have either touched us the most or, in Michele's case, have meant a lot to us our whole lives. So first up is that movie, Michele's choice of Penny Marshall's A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN (1992). This one has a ton of great moments but we try to focus on the core of what makes it a great movie - Tom Hanks' performance, the sister relationship, etc. We also give our answers to the big question about the ending - does Dottie drop the ball on purpose? Then we get into another comedy, one a bit more rough around the edges but still with a lot of heart, and that is THE BAD NEWS BEARS from 1976. This story of an alcoholic Walter Matthau coaching the worst Little League team is equal parts hilarious and heartfelt in its portrayal of relationships and lessons learned while playing the game that is America's past time. Enjoy the episode!

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