(Note: this episode was recorded a few weeks before it was confirmed that Julian Sands had passed away. RIP)

We have some summer fun for this week's episode of Movies for Life where we're talking about a couple of animal attack movies! First, we get into a 90s thrill-omedy that brilliantly walks the line of being legit traumatizing and hilariously fun at the same time - ARACHNOPHOBIA! We have a great time discussing just what makes this film still effective after all these years, the moments that creep us out the most, and the best sidekick character ever, Delbert McLintock. Then we celebrate the 4th of July with the classic film most associated with the holiday, the practically-perfect-in-every-way JAWS! Though we know we can't really say anything about JAWS that hasn't been said before, we do our best by going through some of our favorite scenes and moments with the characters, and even some new thoughts and feelings we had this time around. We hope you all enjoy listening!

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