Mark and Neal take a few minutes to talk about a special announcement regarding the podcast. Spoiler Alert, we're changing our name! We wanted to be easily searchable on all podcast platforms and BEST OF THE BEST just wasn't cutting it. We think you'll enjoy our new name, and sister podcast that we're joining forces with. Think of Ocean's 11 with the cool music, Vegas backdrop, Brad Pitt eating all the time... and add two podcasts, one about movies and one about trivia.

STAY TUNED for further instructions, but next week is our last episode labeled as BEST OF THE BEST. #BOTB

This episode of BEST OF THE BEST is brought to you by TRIVIALITY, the trivia podcast where a lack of seriousness meets a little bit of knowledge.

Best Of The Best is presented by Radar Studios and is hosted by Director Neal E. Fischer and Editor Mark P. Smith. Recorded in Chicago, IL.

Send your "Best Of The Best" list using #BOTB on Twitter & Instagram. Show ideas, topics, or friendly conversation, send us an e-mail!

E-Mail: [email protected]

Movie Trailer Guy -- DARREN MARLAR

Music By The Passion HiFi

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