Previous Episode: The Apartment (1960)

Twentieth Century Fox released Office Space to theaters on February 19, 1999. Mike Judge directed the film which starred Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, and David Herman.

The post Office Space (1999) appeared first on Movie House Memories.

Twentieth Century Fox released Office Space on February 19, 1999. Mike Judge directed the film which starred Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, and David Herman.

‘Office Space’ Movie Summary

Peter Gibbons is a computer programmer who despises his job at Initech, and he hates his annoying boss, Bill Lumbergh, even more. His coworkers and friends, Michael Bolton and Samir Nagheenanajar, also hate their jobs but they will soon be laid off in a downsizing of the company. To get some revenge at Initech, the trio plant a virus into Initech’s banking system that siphons money into Peter’s bank account gradually. However, after a glitch in the virus code causes a large sum of money to immediately transfer to their account, the trio must find a way to solve the problem without going to jail.

Read the full summary, and add the film to your collection today!

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The post Office Space (1999) appeared first on Movie House Memories.

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