Netflix has done it again with All Quiet On The Western Front. OK you what we all know that nobody really reads this description so in light of that. Let's see if you all really read this. Movies we review movies. Fun movies, sad movies, funny movies and exciting movies. We upload a new episode every Thursday which we have been doing for years. That is until Jordan got a new job in which he has weekends off. So Jordan wanted to release the episodes on Tuesday but Eric and Jordan are such in a routine that Tuesday did not make sense at all. What movie did we review again? Also Movie Guys Podcast has been on the air for like eight years. Which if you think about it. It's not really a long time but it kinda is. In the fact that we are awesome and you are awesome if you are reading this because again we all know you and nobody is ready this. Anyway if you are reading this than Eric and Jordan had fun reviewing this movie and we hope you enjoy the episode as well. Thank you for downloading and enjoy our review of All Quiet On The Western Front..Eric-Large                         Jordan-Large