It's a haunted Halloween Movie Date with a wide range of creepy options, from an amnesia suspense flick to a sociopath-centered thriller.

Nicole Kidman wakes up confused about who she is and where she is every single day in "Before I Go to Sleep." Jake Gyllenhaal is willing to cross the line as he chases down ambulances in "Nightcrawler." And Keira Knightly hangs out with kids half her age, and sleeps with a man twice her age in "Laggies."

The strangeness continues in this week's Sweatpants conversation. Frances McDormand plays a peculiar Mainer in "Olive Kitteridge" (on HBO, beginning November 2, 2014) and a cartoon Mike Tyson solves mysteries on "Mike Tyson Mysteries" (premiere was this week on Adult Swim).

There's also some angry listener mail this week. And, as always, there's trivia!

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