Back to your regularly scheduled Movie Babies #MuBaes. Movie Babies is a trailer review podcast, reviewing the latest & greatest trailers. In today's special Halloween episode we bust the last of the Spooky-trailers as we dig into Jigsaw & Insidious: The Last Key!Episode 34 In which celebrity guest Bobby Yost, our resident Spook-expert, definitively answers the question we’ve asked since episode one, Can You Home Alone It?! The answer may SHOCK you! We also pitch our Saw spinoff where we follow the construction crew who builds the elaborate torture devices, connect these horror franchises to the Movie Babies Shared Universe (MBSU) and gush about old ladies head butting ghosts. Somewhere in between we discuss the actual trailers for the movies and rate them with the patented Movie Babies Rating System.SHOWNOTESIntro: All Freakin’ Night ReviewReview 1: Jigsaw (13:35)Review 2: Insidious: The Last Key (45:36)Outro: Sneak Peak Ep. 35 (1:21:03)Spoiler Alert(s): Saw FranchiseInsidious FranchiseWe recommend watching the trailers first at our Youtube. Movie Babies releases new episodes every Thursday (or so). Suggest a trailer for us to review at our Facebook & Twitter Thanks for joining us for Spooky-ween Trailer Month. Catch all the Spooky Trailers in this all encompassing playlist HERE!Subscribing, Rating & Reviewing are the best ways to support the show! Leave a review and we'll read it on the air! Devin will even mispronounce your name. We’re giving away free mini movie posters for those who leave a review! Not sure how to leave a review? Follow this link! Find us on iTunes -- Stitcher -- Google Play -- Youtube -- Tunein -- Direct DownloadWhen you don't have time to watch a 2 minute trailer, but do have time to listen to an hour long podcast!


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