0:00-2:20 - Introduction; it's our 100th episode!
2:20-4:10 - Kickstarter campaign for us to do podcasts from Cannes: it's in the home stretch!
4:10-14:10 - "The Lorax" review, including a tangent about the names of Jeff's cars
14:10-23:55 - "Project X" review, including a tangent about movies ending in the letter "X"
23:55-33:20 - QOTW (which movie party would you like to have attended)
33:20-34:20 - Next week's QOTW
34:20-40:40 - "Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie" review
40:40-43:20 - "Rampart" review (from Bayer only)
43:20-51:40 - Character Casserole (Paul Blart, Travolta from "Wild Hogs," and Vin Diesel from "Fast and Furious")
51:40-53:40 - Where you can find us online; we'll be at South By Southwest
53:40-55:15 - Wrap-up and goodbyes

QOTW: What's your most interesting or amusing experience involving kids at the movies?