0:00-1:50 – Oh hey, how’s it going?
1:50-4:50 – “Taken 3″ was kept from critics, so we made up some other stuff instead, then talked about critics in the U.K.
4:50-7:20 – Then we made up some more “Taken”-based stuff, resulting in an unplanned game of Pitch Me
7:20-8:45 – iTunes review
8:45-24:00 – “Selma” review (B.S.-approved!)
24:00-26:55 – Letting everyone know how much you agree with a movie
26:55-41:00 – QOTW (how movies will be different 10 years from now)
41:00-51:15 – A round of Eric & Jeff’s Excellent Adventure
51:15-53:25 – Recap, more blather

QOTW: What movie should be remade but in a different genre? Tell us how it would change the story, who should be in it, etc.

“Selma” B+ 10/10