Alcohol Issues Podcast - Episode 14


Movendi International's weekly in-depth conversation about latest alcohol issues in policy and science and new alcohol industry revelations.

Welcome to this in depth and far ranging conversation about specific alcohol policy issues at the World Health Organization, alcohol industry regulation, World Trade Organization issues and the future of alcohol policy on the global level.

Questioning the alcohol industry's position of influence at the World Health Organization

For the 14th episode of the Alcohol Issues Podcast host Maik Dünnbier welcomes Paula O’Brien, Tim Stockwell, and Robin Room.

Together with Kate Vallance they wrote an editorial in the latest Addiction Journal with the title: “WHO Should Not Support Alcohol Industry Co‐Regulation of Public Health Labelling”.

Paula O'Brien is an Associate Professor at Melbourne Law School, specializing in public health law.

Professor Robin Room, of the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR), is a sociologist working on social, cultural and epidemiological studies of alcohol, other drugs and gambling behaviour and problems.

Professor Tim Stockwell is the Director of the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR) and a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Victoria.

In their research editorial the scientists discuss, why it is unwise for the World Health Organization (WHO) to include the alcohol industry in co-regulation of alcohol labelling.

In this podcast conversation host Maik Dünnbier discusses with the three guests their editorial in detail to explore the reasons why the alcohol industry should not be invited to co-regulate alcohol labelling. Beyond that, they also talk about the scientific evidence on alcohol health warning labelling and alcohol industry self-regulation.

To expand the conversation beyond the specific WHO proposal to invite Big Alcohol to self-regulate alcohol labelling, they further talk about possibilities for improvements to the global governance of alcohol.

And finally, the conversation dives into an important point from the editorial that also has larger significance: what does it mean to remove the alcohol industry from their position of influence?

Resources for the conversation with Paula, Robin and Tim

Read the complete editorial here.

Learn more about Associate Professor Paula O'Brien work at Melbourne Law School.
Follow Robin Room's Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR) at La Trobe University on Twitter. 
Follow Tim Stockwell's Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR) on Twitter.

Movendi International coverage of issues surrounding the on-going development of the alcohol action plan, exposing how the alcohol industry works to derail the alcohol policy improvement at the WHO, using both tobacco industry allies and strategies.

Read the analysis #1: "Exposed: The Strategies Big Alcohol Deploys to Interfere in WHO Alcohol Policy Consultation"

Read the analysis #2: "Big Tobacco’s Strategic Ally Interferes in WHO Alcohol Policy Consultation"

Listen to the first podcast: "Exposing the major strategies of the alcohol industry to derail the development of the WHO alcohol action plan"


For feedback, questions and suggestions of future topics, please get in touch with [email protected].

You are most welcome to follow Movendi International and Maik Dünnbier on Twitter, too.

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