In this episode of the podcast, I’m joined by Ronna Detrick, who invites us to become more aware of the stories we tell about ourselves and empowers us to parse out which ones work for us and which ones don’t. She says that when we heal the stories from our past, that is where true discernment comes in. 

Ronna has been a senior executive with two different organizations, offered multiple keynotes, trained thousands of people, and given a TEDx talk on Redeeming Eve. She founded her own business 13 years ago where she writes, speaks, and coaches - focusing on powerful women, their stories, and their capacity to change the world. 

During our conversation, Ronna shares some ways in which we can reshape the stories of our past, and live in a more integrated and powerful way. She encourages us to ask bold and deep questions like, “What if you embraced the wholeness of who you are?"

Ronna believes women’s re-visioned stories and lives are what impact, heal and transform the world. If you do too, tune in now and leave a review if you enjoyed this episode!