Get ready for a whirlwind ride on this episode of the Movement is Medicine Show! 🎢 We dive headfirst into the world of physical activity, exploring its power to make us feel invincible, yet acknowledging its potential to lead us down a path of chronic pain and limited mobility. 🏃‍♀️💪

Ever wondered how your lifestyle or work habits could be sneakily crafting a blueprint of poor movement? We delve into this mystery, revealing how sedentary habits and repetitive tasks can tie our bodies into knots of aches, pains, and restrictions. 🛋️🔗

Joining us on this journey is Dr. Ashley, who sheds light on the art of rehabilitation and the magic of personalized treatment plans. Discover how they're helping people unwrap their gift of movement, tweaking their movement melodies with the help of therapies like manual therapy, tailored exercises, and the power of knowledge. 🎁🎶

Get ready to rewind to our roots as we touch upon how our ancestors were built to move, and how the luxury of modern comforts like plush chairs have nudged us into a dance of decreased and improper movements. 🪑💃

So, buckle up and tune in to explore, learn and reclaim the joy of movement with us! 🎧🎉