Andrea Macdonald founder of ideaXme interviews Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries.

The EU Commission:

The Commission helps to shape the EU's overall strategy, proposes new EU laws and policies, monitors their implementation and manages the EU budget.

It also plays a significant role in supporting international development and delivering aid. Following the result of the European elections, and the mandate received from the European Council and the European Parliament, the Dr Ursula von der Leyen Commission put forward a set of ambitious goals for Europe’s future: climate neutrality by 2050; making the 2020s Europe’s Digital Decade; and making Europe stronger in the world with a more geopolitical approach.

Since Covid-19, the twin green and digital transitions are now even more firmly at the core of their programme, with new resources to accelerate the transformation.

Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius:

Commissioner Sinkevičius is the youngest EU Commissioner appointed to the EU Commission. He is a Lithuanian politician, an European Commissioner since 2019. Prior to his appointment as Commissioner, he was the Minister of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania.

His role as EU Commissioner:

-Ensuring the environment, oceans and fisheries remain at the core of the European Green Deal.

-Presenting a new Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: from Natura2000, deforestation, species and habitats, to sustainable seas and oceans.

-Delivering on the Commission’s zero-pollution ambition, including air and water quality and hazardous chemicals.

-Leading on a Circular Economy Action Plan to promote the use of sustainable resources

-Promoting plastic-free oceans and proper implementation of legislation on plastics, particularly microplastics.

-Ensuring full implementation of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy. Effective control and enforcement and respecting the maximum sustainable yield objective.

-Evaluating the Common Fisheries Policy by 2022, including the social dimension, climate adaptation and clean oceans.

-Contributing to the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy on sustainable food, maximizing the potential of sustainable seafood and the aquaculture sector. Promoting international ocean governance, playing a lead role in international discussions.

-Ensuring Europe leads the way to an ambitious agreement at the 2020 Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

-Taking a zero-tolerance approach to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.

-Contributing to WTO discussions on a global agreement to ban fisheries subsidies that cause overfishing, illegal fishing and overcapacity.

-Developing a new approach for a sustainable blue economy drawing on research, maritime spatial planning, marine renewable energy, blue investment and regional cooperation.

On this ideaXme show the Commissioner talks of:

- His role as EU Commissioner of the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries - The new plans, policies and laws put in place to protect the environment, oceans and fisheries - The Commissioners work spearheading action on both the European and International levels - How the EU Commission creates laws - The importance of Public participation in the roadmap to creating law to protect the environment, oceans and fisheries

Credits: Andrea Macdonald founder ideaXme

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