Two students, Mohammad Asadi Lari, co- founder (with Dr Sacha Noukhovich) of the Stem Fellowship and Mohit Sodhi founder YNOTFORTOTS discuss what it takes to move the human story forward!™ ideaXme Ltd.

Credits: Interview audio and text by Mohit Sodhi and Mohammad Asadi Lari

Think for yourself!

Guest interviewers Mohammad Lari and Mohit Sodhi:

Today we are constantly bombarded with news and information. This can be very overwhelming to many, especially the younger generation. We are successful young scientists and leaders from Canada; Mohit Sodhi, a graduate student at the University of British Columbia, and Mohammad Asadi Lari, an MD/PhD student at the University of Toronto. We'd like to share with you what we've learnt so far and how we are working to inspire other students to THINK! to move both their individual stories and the collective human story forward! We'd like to thank ideaXme for allowing us to share our call to action: THINK for yourself!

Moreover, we discuss how the two movements that we started, YNOTFORTOTS and STEM Fellowship allow students of all ages to be given equal and highly valuable opportunities to advance their careers and how to enhance their own lives using the power of critical analysis and scientific reasoning.

Discussion: Think for yourself to move forward!

Mohit Sodhi, founder YNOTFORTOTS

During the discussion, Mohit points out that in a time where politics is very “backwards or polarizing…people should not be accepting the status quo” and that “You don’t have to take whatever you see on the internet, or whatever you see on tv, or even this podcast for example…to be 100% true!

Find out more: YNOTFORTOTS

..We want you to think for yourself…we want you to take the evidence and come up with an opinion and a well-structured argument for yourself.”

Think for yourself to take action on world issues

Mohammad Asadi Lari, founder STEM Fellowship

When discussing public health and the effect of global warming and the anti-vaxxer movement on society, Mohammad noted that “when young people become active and if we have effective youth mobilization around [the movement]…they can actually make change”.

Take action: Think for yourself!

He also stated that “I think that’s why it’s so imperative for everyone, in particular those of us who will be seeing more of the consequences to take action.”

ideaXme is a podcast, ambassador and mentor programme. You can find us on YouTube, iTunes, SoundCloud, Spotify, Radio Public, TuneIn Radio and more.

If you'd like to host a guest interviewer slot to talk about how you Move the the human story forward: Apply [email protected].

Mohit Sodhi left, Mohammad Asadi Lari, right.