Ira Pastor ideaXme exponential health ambassador interviews Mr. Dennis Kowalski, Cryonics Institute President, EMT-paramedic, certified in advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), advanced pediatric life support (PALS), a CPR Instructor for the American Heart Association, and a fire fighter! Ira Pastor comments: Cryonics is defined as the extremely low-temperature freezing (or vitrification - converting into glass or a glass-like substance) usually at −196 °C or −320.8 °F or 77.1 K, and storage of a human body or part of a human body, with the hope that resurrection may be possible in the future. Cryonics procedures can legally begin only after clinical death, and cryonics "patients" are legally dead. Cryonics procedures ideally begin within minutes of death, and use cryo-protectants to prevent ice formation during cryo-preservation The first person to be frozen via cryonics was that of Dr. James Bedford in 1967. It’s estimated that over 300 bodies had been cryo-preserved in the United States, and a couple thousand people have made arrangements for cryo-preservation to date. While it is not yet possible for a dead body to be re-animated after undergoing vitrification, in order to revive patients in the future, it will be necessary to be able to cure any diseases which lead to death, repair cells damaged in the freezing process, and repair cells damaged by the ageing process. The Cryonics Institute (CI) is an American not-for-profit corporation that provides cryonics services to both humans and pets. The Cryonics Institute was founded by the “Father of Cryonics” Robert Ettinger, in 1976, who introduced the concept of cryonics with the publication of his book “The Prospect of Immortality” published in 1962, and he served as their president until 2003. Today, I’m joined by Mr. Dennis Kowalski, who is not only the current Cryonics Institute President, but is also a nationally registered EMT-paramedic, certified in advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), advanced pediatric life support (PALS), a CPR Instructor for the American Heart Association, and a fire fighter, so he has had a lot of experience dealing with life, saving lives while helping others in great distress, emergency triage at mass casualty incidents, and unfortunately death, but his experience provides for an interesting discussion and bridge between conventional emergency medicine and cryonics. On this show we will hear from Mr. Kowalski: About his background and how he developed an interest in cryonics. About the current legal dynamics surrounding cryonics and the cryo-preservation process for a human subject. About the technical steps involved in cryo-preservation of a human subject About financial issues surrounding running a cryonics operation and long term storage of cryonics subjects. About future visions in the cryonics space. From week commencing 18 November find all the relevant links visit Listen to our ideaXme interviews on across the internet on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Radio Public, TuneIn Radio, FM Player, SoundCloud.... ideaXme is a global podcast, mentor series and creator series. Mission: Move the human story forward!™ ideaXme Ltd.