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Dr. Jo Zayner, PhD, Biophysics, is a "visionary" biochemist and genetic designer. For over 15 years, they have pioneered work in the field of bioengineering, publishing a number of scientific papers on the topic. Zayner is transgender and uses they/she pronouns advocating for diversity, body autonomy and science for all. Jo received their PhD in Biophysics from the University of Chicago, winning several awards for their work on engineering proteins. They then spearheaded work on developing engineered microbes for Mars terraforming at NASA, eventually leaving to start The ODIN, a bioengineering company based in Austin, Texas that is working to make genetic engineering accessible to everyone. Zayner’s groundbreaking work in human genetic engineering and medicine has been the focus of many documentaries, including the Netflix documentary Unnatural Selection and the NYT documentary Gut Hack .

They have been made fun of on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and written about in media all over the world including The New York Times, The New Yorker, El País, Le Monde, Time, Scientific American and NPR, among others. Somehow Jo still finds time to be an accomplished artist whose work has been featured in exhibits at San Francisco MoMA, Philadelphia Museum of Art, NY MoMA, ZKM and the Smithsonian.

The ODIN, team believe the future is going to be dominated by genetic engineering and consumer genetic design will be a big part of that. They are facilitating this by offering tailored biotech kits and tools that allow anyone to make unique and usable organisms at home or in a lab or anywhere. Safely of course! Twitter: @4LovOfScience Instagram: @jzayner Facebook: Video footage from Canva. Voice over for ideaXme introduction: Neil Koenig former Senior BBC producer and journalist and current ideaXme board advisor and guest interviewer. Music for ideaXme introduction: Music: Space Heroes by MaxKoMusic | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported ideaXme ideaXme is a global network - podcast on 12 platforms, 40 countries, mentor programme and creator programme. Our mission: Move the human story forward. Our passion: Rich Connectedness!

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