Ira Pastor, ideaXme exponential health ambassador interviews Dr. Nicole Prause, Ph.D, Founder, Liberos LLC and neuroscientist researching human sexual behavior, addiction, and the physiology of sexual response.

This audio interview and text is not appropriate for audiences under the age of 18 years old. Ira Pastor comments: Today we are going to journey into the fascinating area sexual psycho-physiology and biotechnology.

Dr. Nicole Prause, Ph.Dis an American neuroscientist researching human sexual behavior, addiction, and the physiology of sexual response. She is the founder ofLiberos LLC, an independent research institute and biotechnology company. Dr. Prause obtained her doctorate in 2007 at Indiana University Bloomington, with joint supervision by the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, with her areas of concentration being neuroscience and statistics. Her clinical internship, in neuro-psychological assessment and behavioral medicine, was with the VA Boston Healthcare System's Psychology Internship Training Program. Her research fellowship was in couples' treatment of alcoholism at Harvard University.

Dr. Prause became a tenure track faculty member at Idaho State University at the age of 29. After three years there, she accepted a position as a Research Scientist at the Mind Research Network, a neuro-imaging facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In 2012, Dr. Prause was elected a full member of the International Academy of Sex Research and accepted a position as a Research Scientist on faculty at the University of California, Los Angeles in the David Geffen School of Medicine. While there, she was promoted to Associate Research Scientist in 2014. She founded Liberos LLC in 2015 and she continues to practice as licensed psychologist in California.

On this episode we will hear from Dr. Prause: About her background, how she developed an interest in science, psychology, and in sexual psycho-physiology. Why research in sexual psycho-physiology has been so hard to get funding for. Why a "Female Viagra" / "Little Pink Pill" has been very difficult to successfully develop. Her research work in brain stimulation / Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to alter sexual responsiveness. Her work in sex addiction studies, the neurophysiology of pornography addiction, and "Sexual Biohacking.” Her studies in aging and the future of "sex-tech."

Credits: Ira Pastor interview video, text, and audio.

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