June 26, 2021

Trail EAffect Show Page


Topics Covered in this Episode:

Growth in Mountain Biking and how it affects access Devon’s Back Story and how he got into Journalism Lines in the Dirt – As Written on access for Bike Mag Single Track Wars and the issue between Nederland, Co Locals and Boulder Co Locals. Kingdom Trails Vermont Mental Health and Suicide Closing Comments


Devon O’Neil: http://www.devononeil.com/
Lines In the Dirt Bike Mag:

https://www.bikemag.com/lines-in-the-dirt/the-vitality-of-trust/#EFK6GLHlD1jrAy44.97 https://www.bikemag.com/lines-in-the-dirt/part-two-tradition-meets-progress/#G8bTADlkK887JAaG.97 https://www.bikemag.com/lines-in-the-dirt/montana-access/#U7mmce81ygEUSTVi.97 https://www.bikemag.com/lines-in-the-dirt/stone-walled/#8CMsuOQBV9GcscSm.97

Single Track Wars: https://www.outsideonline.com/2392458/nederland-boulder-colorado-mountain-bike-wars-singletrack
BETA MTB Summer Issue – Featuring Kingdom Trails: https://www.betamtb.com/news-issues/betas-summer-issue-is-out-now/
(Please subscribe or pick up the latest BETA MTB magazine at your closest news stand, as this supports the people who put their work out for the masses).
The Final Decent of Dean Cummings: https://www.outsideonline.com/2421062/dean-cummings


Trail EAffect Show Support

Smith’s Bike Shop: https://smithsbikes.com/
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at [email protected]

If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at [email protected]



Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.



Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.