January 26, 2018

The Path Podcast Show Page


Nathan, Tani, and Auk bring you a special guest. Hans "No Way" Rey joins the show. He's a living legend of the mountain biking world who is passionate about spreading great mountain biking vibes. What is a "flow country" trail? They discuss several topics, including what he's been up to spreading the mountain biking vibe, his Urban Adventure, ebikes, sponsorships, being relevant, and much more. 

The Path guys welcome all of your questions and encourage you to send them an email with the subject “Podcast Question” to [email protected]


About Hans (Read full bio here): 

Hans, multiple Trials National and World Champion, is one of the pioneers of Trials and Extreme Mountain Biking. Through his spectacular mountain bike trials shows and adventures, Hans has made himself a name far beyond the mountain bike scene. His skills and image are constantly opening the doors to media coverage all over the world; “No Way” Rey has been demonstrating his talents in over 60 countries.

They call him the Franz Beckenbauer or Wayne Gretzky of Mountain Biking, he also belongs to the following teams and organizations:

– Mountain Bike Hall of Fame
– Laguna RADS (infamous underground bike club)
– Shimano Skunk Development Team
– ADIDAS Adventure Team
– Minjin (Australian underground bike club)
– Team GT veteran



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Hans Rey’s website: https://hansrey.com/
Hans and Carmen Rey’s charity, Wheels 4 Life: https://wheels4life.org/
Hans Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HansNoWayRey
Hans Rey on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hansrey
Hans Rey on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Hansnowayrey


Follow Auk on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e_auk/
The Path Bike Shop Website: http://www.thepathbikeshop.com/
The Path Bike Shop Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepathbikeshop
The Path Bike Shop on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepathbikeshop/
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The Path Bike Shop on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/thepathbikeshop/
The Path Bike Shop on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/thepathbikeshop

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