Just when you thought they finally went away....they come back for more! D2 and 40 Hands have had a busy summer and 40 Hands has been spending all his time in Denmark among the bike-loving citizens. They discuss Denmark cycling infrastructure, how much the Leadville 100 sucks, the Breck E#@%, cyclocross sucking, legal and illegal drugs and porn, and even a dose of hockey. What are "Euro Miles" and what the hell is "Calf Lube"?


Don't like what you hear? Turn it off. If you do, you may have some issues....and if you do have issues, email D2 at [email protected] to thank him and shower them with beer and beer ideas.


If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at [email protected]. We also have advertising opportunities available, just contact us. 


Related Show Links:

Black Shirt Brewing

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Ska Brewing Modus Hoperandi IPA

Breck Epic

Leadville 100

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