May 7, 2014 - The newest show to the MBR lineup.

This episode is a repost from the new show, MTB Strength Coach Podcast. They are restarting their popular podcast and you can find it here on Mountain Bike Radio. Expect to hear a brand new episode soon!


In this episode, James talks with fellow strength coach Al Painter of Integrate Performance Fitness. Coach Al works with mainly triathletes and century road cyclists, as well as some mountain bikers, using a lot of the same principles and influences as James does.


What Coach Al and his clients have found is that getting stronger has helped them ride longer, faster and avoid a lot of the overuse injuries that traditionally plague riders who log as many miles as they do. It is an interesting look at how someone applies a lot of the things James discusses to true endurance athletes and how a lot of mountain bikers who see themselves as “endurance athletes” can learn something from their experience.


Coach Al and James cover a lot of ground on this podcast, including:

Flat pedals, how they require a different pedaling style than clipless pedals and how that helps your pedal stroke when you do use clipless pedals. BTW, Coach Al rides clipless pedals most of the time but has found using flats to help his overall riding so he has some really interesting insights into the whole subject.
Using diagonal patterns in training to reset the system. Too much sitting turns things off and these exercises are the best way to get them turned back on.
How strength training helps reduce injuries while also improving endurance.
How training the foot will help improve performance and reduce aches and pains.
Some of our common influences and how we are able to apply them to our programs for different types of athletes.
Much more…


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Coach Al Painter's Integrate Performance Fitness

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