March 11, 2015


This is a wheel-filled show. Listen in as Andrea, Matt, and Kenny dissect wheels, spoke count vs. rim material, brands, tires, and basically anything you need to know. If you have any questions about your next wheel purchase, you may want to check this out.   


A huge thanks to this week's supporters!

William Kannenberg - Michigan $25
Tyler Loewens - Nebraska $25
Christine Schulz - Ontario, Canada $25
Rob Clark - Arizona $25
Scott Merchant - Michigan $10

Kenny: "What you're supposed to do is pour a bunch in your hand, cup it, and warm it up with your balls....then run the chain through your hand."

Matt: "Hold on...wait, what if you're a lady?"

Kenny: "You do a falcon cup." 


We want to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at [email protected]






Listener Emails:

Scott Merchant - Wondering about upgrading his Giant Trance 2013

Andy Mention - Looking to upgrade wheels on two bikes

James Banta - His life is ruined and he's looking for advice on spoke count and rims

Pete of Canmore, Alberta is wondering about Kenny's Wolf Tooth 40-tooth cog experiment and loves SILCA NFS Pro Chain Lube

Tony C - Wondering about what tire to run on the Jersey Shore

Griffin - Are Light Bicycle Carbon rims worth it?


Shit We Probably Hate:

This is a like. Andrea and Kenny want titanium hammers.


Matt's Pissed Scale: 

Matt is a full 5+ on a scale of 1 to 10





Industry Nine -

Wolf Tooth Components -

Nox Composites -

SILCA NFS Pro Chain Lube - -

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