May 24, 2014 - In his first venture without Clara, Kyle decides he needs to use his podcast as an excuse to talk to his twitter crush! Astrid van Uden is the lovely Kiwi soigneur for Team Smartstop Self Storage and does her best to tolerate Kyle after an extremely long day working for the team.


Kyle relentlessly flirts with Astrid while they talk about her current team/family, how much she absolutely loves her job, and how she got into cycling. The two of them also go into what a day in the life of a soigneur is like, life on the road, how hard Astrid had to work to get to The States, and Astrid's love of American Cowboys. If you want to listen to someone shamelessly flirt a woman who has a lovely accent then this is the podcast for you! Is love in the air? Probably not, but don't tell Kyle that. He's fragile...


Related Show Links:

Astrid's Twitter:
Astrid's Website:
Team Smartstop's Twitter:
Team Smartstop's Website:

Clara's Twitter -@Ferncoyote

Kyle's Twitter - @CaptainAntibody
Broken Spokes Podcast Twitter - @BrokenSpokesPod
Find Clara on Girl Bike Love

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