Member Only repost from September 2013. 


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You have to listen in because Kelli recommends licorice, beef jerky, those little cheese crackers, and more as 10 regular food options that you can use to fuel your ride.


As a member, you probably know that Kelli is a nutritional superhero. She brings experience, knowledge, and a great sense of real-world practicality to her practice. In this episode, she gives you tips for "real life." Not a Mountain Bike Radio member? Become one today!


What if you're out and about and going to do a weekend of riding and camping? Out for a long ride and stopping at the store to grab something to eat? Or, do you just want something tasty without blowing up your diet. Kelli lets you know what you need.


Related Show Links:

Kelli's Recipe's

Kelli's Homebrew

Kelli's Fuel Right Blog

Real Licorice

Baby Food Packets:

    - Happy Baby

    - Earth's Best

    - Ella's Kitchen

Perky Jerky

Justin's Nut Butter

Become a MBR Member to get this and access to $100's of savings on cycling goodies!