RE-RELEASED!!!  Because of a bug in the initial publishing of this episode, it is being re-issued.  Sorry for the incovenience.  Enjoy!

Hello boys and girls!!

Welcome to this massively EPIC episode of the Motorcycle Men Podcast.  Holy Crap!!!  A two hour show? What's wrong with us?

As always, thank you to our fans, supporters and subscribers for helping us out, listening to our shows and making it all worth while. And remember, if you want to help out the podcast you can make a one time donation, a monthly contribution or say nice things about us. Be it $1 or $1000, we appreciate you help and consideration. But more than anything. Thank you for being a listener!!!

Wow, what a great show. This week: BrakeFreeTech brings you a helmet mounted brake light that needs no wiring!! Ciro3D our new sponsor!! Tobacco Motorwear Company bossman Dave Ackerman joins us and tells us all about Kevlar Jeans and Shirts. You need to buy this stuff and so do we!! Where the Road Ends movie Go Grandriders movie Lane SplittingWe hope you have enjoyed this episode and please, contact our guests and let them know you heard them on the Motorcycle Men Podcast and like what they are doing. 

Don't forget to get over to the Motorcycle Men Podcast Facebook page and post your stuff!!!

Thanks to and for sponsoring the show and we encourage you guys to check them out!!

Ride safe and be safe.
The Motorcycle Men

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