Motor City Hoops is your audio home for all things Detroit Pistons, part of the Hoop Heads Podcast Network. Motor City Hoops is hosted by Vlad Moldoveanu and details all the latest happenings with the Detroit Pistons. The podcast will include Vlad's analysis and opinions on the Detroit Pistons and the NBA in general. Expect appearances from guests that will provide game previews and reactions, trade and free agency speculation, draft analysis, and more on both the Pistons and the NBA at large. Vlad may touch on the local college and high school basketball scene in Michigan as well.
Follow Motor City Hoops
Twitter - (@MotorCityHoops)
Instagram - (MotorCityHoopspod)

Motor City Hoops is your audio home for all things Detroit Pistons, part of the Hoop Heads Podcast Network. Motor City Hoops is hosted by Vlad Moldoveanu and details all the latest happenings with the Detroit Pistons. The podcast will include Vlad's analysis and opinions on the Detroit Pistons and the NBA in general. Expect appearances from guests that will provide game previews and reactions, trade and free agency speculation, draft analysis, and more on both the Pistons and the NBA at large. Vlad may touch on the local college and high school basketball scene in Michigan as well.

Follow Motor City Hoops

Twitter - @MotorCityHoops

Instagram - MotorCityHoopspod

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