On December 22, 1984, Bernhard Goetz shot four black men on a New York City Subway train after they allegedly tried to rob him. Goetz gave himself up to police nine days later and was charged with attempted murder, assault, reckless endangerment, and several firearms offenses. He will only serve 8 months for these crimes.

At first, Goetz was viewed by most as a victim and by some as a vigilante, and he got widespread public support. However, public opinion about Goetz changed after his police interrogation was made public and people started to wonder was this really a case of self-defence.

This is the story of the Subway Vigilante.

A few things: My blind ass keeps saying Cabey, the last name is Cobey. And the sound to the interrogations played is bad by default - I'd suggest watching this one on YT:https://youtu.be/AHRQNQb8Ac0





