Are you motivated by the success of others? Do you love hearing from entrepreneurs who have made it really big, really fast? If so, listen in today, as Blake and Ivy talk to their dynamic guest, Chandler Bolt, who grew his Self Publishing business from zero to $1,320,000 in just eleven months.


Chandler is the author of six best-selling books, including Book Launch and Published- The Proven Path From Blank Page To Published Author. He is also the founder and CEO of Self-Publishing School, the number one online resource for writing, marketing and publishing your first book. Three years ago he dropped out of school and then started Self Publishing School about a year later. To date, he has helped thousands of writers to publish their first book and then use that book to grow their income and their business. Self Publishing School made about $2 200 000 last year and they're still growing! This is really exciting for Chandler, as it was a book that started everything for him. Listen in today and find out from Chandler how you can get ahead with your book and with your business.