When life pushes you into the deep end of the pool are you going to sink to the bottom or start swimming?

For over 15 years, Derrick Sier has studied group and social dynamics in the collegiate, not-for-profit, religious, educational and corporate environment. It is through this observation that his company OMOS Team Building was created. He believes relationship and team play are the avenues through which great groups are formed.

Show notes at http://hellotechpros.com/derrick-sier-motivation/

Key Takeaways When life give you an opportunity, run with it Everyone is replaceable at a large organization You need a support group in place for when life knocks you down who can help you get back up Never rely on one source of income, always have 2-3 revenue streams You are not defined by your role or job, you are defined by YOU Companies value the things they spend money on and spend money and the things they value Preparing to take a leap of faith and getting pushed are two different feelings Sometimes it takes a while to recover from your lowest point You want to be around people with different perspectives Put a plan in place and adapt to change, even if you don't anticipate the change "It ain't about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa You're not alone Resources Mentioned OMOS Team Building Rocky Balboa (2006) Sponsors BookMoreNights.com About Hello Tech Pros

Hello Tech Pros is the daily podcast that interviews business professionals who work with technology and discuss Motivation, Productivity, Leadership, Technology, People, Entrepreneurship and Being Unplugged.