Mom Business Coach Rosemary Nickel interviews the most inspiring and successful mompenuers. We pull back the curtain, share vulnerable moments with lessons we’ve learned along the way and solid business tips. MOM Radio will leave you saying “I CAN DO IT!”

Debra Hamilton is a dynamic speaker, facilitator, author, understanding trained high conflict mediator, conflict system design consultant, animal venue executive consultant, educator and founding principal at Hamilton Law and Mediation PLLC established in 2010 in the NY Metropolitan area. An expert in high conflict pet disagreements and multi-party pet ownership disputes; she was trained by Jack Himmelstein, Gary Fisher, Mark Kleinman, and Simeon Baum. She works with everyone who wants to further their passion in the care of pets while reducing their exposure to conflict and litigation.

Rosemary Nickel is described as the Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Phil for Moms, offering wonderful parenting advice and valuable motivation for moms who are juggling business and family.  If you're feeling overwhelmed with everything that's going on, you might just need that motivating touch that Rosemary provides in every show.