About Juliet

Juliet is a mother of 2 beautiful children and teaches alignment based Hatha Yoga from her home studio in South Norwood as well as working with other venues across London. Juliet trained under the highly acclaimed Triyoga teacher training programme with leading teachers Anna Ashby and Joey Miles, she is also a member of the British Wheel of Yoga and Yoga Alliance and has been practicing for over a decade.

Juliet was first drawn to yoga amidst a challenging time in her life, magnified by a stressful city commute, long hours, and a demanding job all of which resulted in burnout. At that time she began a regular yoga practice and soon found herself experiencing its many therapeutic benefits,  she slept better, could breathe better, moved better, and it created the space she needed to understand myself better.

Yoga continues to be my anchor, especially since becoming a mother, and these feelings of space, freedom and clarity gained from my practice are qualities which I endeavour to facilitate for my students.

Juliet is also a trained Pilates studio equipment teacher with the Polestar method and work from The Loft in Wandsworth.

Episode highlights

Juliet's yoga business where she teaches Hatha Yoga and Restorative Yoga

What led Juliet to her yoga practice after corporate life in the City

Juliet's journey into motherhood and her pre-motherhood expectations, as against the reality of motherhood

Juliet's postpartum including lack of sleep as her baby didn't sleep well, Juliet was not eating well and she suffered postpartum anxiety

Not identifying with who she was as a mother

Shavasahna position - lying flat on her mat - was key to Juliet's recovery - we discuss why this was.

Taking time to rest is not on anyone's list. There is always something to do.

The dangerous self-talk of "shoulds*

Juliet's work with a sleep trainer (Carol Mae consulting). Key was she nurtured Juliet as well as her baby. She told her she was doing an amazing job.

The huge step of asking for help

Second time round Juliet considered the support she needed but anxiety still there at times but finding ways to manage it.

Changing expectations

Juliet’s Yoga teacher said after this you will be stronger than you ever were. Meeting her self head on......and now stronger than ever before. Physically, mentally and emotionally stronger.

Vulnerability in meeting herself.

Strength has really come from inside. Juliet said:

"I would never have been able to get there if I hadn't first let go and allowed myself those moments of rest and spaciousness and time to simply be with exactly who I was"

Grounding and root chakra and drawing energy up.

Parasympathetic nervous system.

Rest as a necessity not a luxury.

Allowing our bodies to process the birth to reflect on what has happened and is happening.

Try to commit to rest. Even just 5 minutes.

Benefits of conscious breath work.

There will always be something we ought to be doing or think we should be doing.

We are all doing best we can and forgiving ourselves

Relevant links

Julia’s website and Instagram

Carol Mae’s website



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