What Alison discusses this week

Alison discusses the research on the way people, particularly females, seem to deal with stress differently to the traditional fight or flight response - referred to as the ‘tend and befriend’ response.

Alison refers to the importance of having our social support in motherhood and seeking out friendship in times of stress.

Alison also gives tips about how you can cultivate a friendship group in motherhood and the importance of establishing nourishing connections, rather than just surface level friendships.

Alison is passionate about supporting mothers so they are not doing motherhood alone and this episode goes to the heart of her work.

Relevant links

Article (https://www.apa.org/monitor/jan04/habit) in American Psychological Association.

Taylor study ‘Biobehavioral responses to stress in females: tend-and-befriend, not fight-or-flight’ (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/109412750) and useful (http://www.personalityresearch.org/papers/mccarthy.html) website discussing this.

2016 Natalie Anger article regarding bonobos (https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/13/science/bonobos-apes-matriarchy.html?_r=0&action=click&contentCollection=undefined&contentPlacement=1&module=stream_unit&pgtype=collection&region=stream&rref=collection%2Fbyline%2Fnatalie-angier&version=latest)

Red Tent directory https://redtentdirectory.com/ 

Whole Mama Rest Circle

Get on the wait list for the Whole Mama Rest Circle (https://www.alisonbarker.com/whole-mama-community) where you will also get a free Rest Guide.

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Mothering the mother Facebook group and Instagram

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