Sarah Ockwell-Smith

Sarah Ockwell-Smith is a well known parenting expert and a highly regarded popular parenting author who specialises in the psychology and science of parenting, ‘gentle parenting’ and attachment theory.

Born in Bedfordshire, England in 1976, Sarah Ockwell-Smith is a mother of four school aged children, three boys and one girl. Sarah lives with her family, cats and numerous ducks and chickens in a 350 year old cottage in rural Essex.

After graduating with an honors degree in Psychology, specialising in child development, she embarked on a five year career in Pharmaceutical Research and Development, working with clinical trial data, until she became pregnant with her first child in 2001. After the birth of her firstborn Sarah retrained as an Antenatal Teacher, Hypnotherapist/Psychotherapist, Developmental Infant Massage Instructor and Birth and Postnatal Doula.

Sarah now works as a parenting author, writer and coach, with a particular interest in child sleep.

Many refer to Sarah as an Attachment Parenting expert, however Sarah herself does not like this term as she feels it may ostracize many parents from learning about more gentle parenting techniques. She prefers instead to promote ‘Gentle Parenting’, which she feels is more appealing to the mainstream with less perceived restrictions and rules.

Sarah is also the co-founder of Gentle Parenting.

Episode highlights

How Sarah balances work with family life.

Sarah's new book The Second Baby Book

The limited information currently out there from birth until 3 years old

How we should replace the word “jealous” with grieving in relation to elder children’s experience of a new baby arriving.

Sarah suggests we need to change our expectations with second time mums – be realistic

Self care as being kind to yourself

Sarah's book The Gentle Eating Book from a psychology point of view (this is a discussion about behaviours - we don't cover nutrition for children specifically in this episode and Alison does not currently specialise in children's nutrition in her clinic)

Sarah suggests the approach is not to change the child but to change yourself (as the parent) and your relationship with food

Sarah shares her own disordered relationship with food which she relates back to her childhood.

Why Sarah does not recommend praising children for eating Sarah's next book she is writing on preparing children for starting school.


Relevant links

Sarah’s website, Instagram and Facebook Group

Sarah’s new book The Second Baby Book is available here.



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