About Dorka Herner

Dorka previously worked in TV as an editor and a journalist and hosted her own TV programme and online video series. After her fifth maternity leave Dorka started to work as a therapist using a novel approach called Mirrortherapy.

However, first and foremost Dorka is a mother. She has five children - four boys and a girl - ranging in age from 4 to 16 years old. Dorka took three years maternity leave with each child and during this time gained a wealth of invaluable parenting experience. She has combined this with her background in psychology and coaching in Inspired Parenting.

Dorka has been inspired by her mother Dr Agnes Geréb, a well-known pioneering gynaecologist-obstetrician, independent midwife and champion women’s rights in childbirth. She was sentenced to two years in prison in Hungary in 2011 for attending home births. After a lengthy unsuccessful legal appeal Agnes was granted clemency by the President of Hungary in 2018 following pressure from the international human rights community.

Episode highlights

How Dorka made space and time to write her book with 5 children!

Co-dependency and how nobody else can make you happy - and it is not our job to make our kids happy.

How Dorka feels her way in parenting and trusts her gut feeling as her navigation and compass and how we can learn to do this.

Judgments and how we label behaviours in our children and how we can reframe this.

Using the term lazyness with our children and how reframing this can have powerful effects on all of us.

Anger and how we can find the lessons in any situation.

Being in survival mode as a mother and Dorka’s advice to mothers in the trenches

Working on opposites in our motherhood journey.

Patterns of behaviour and how we can use this as a journey inwards.

How we can feel empowered in our motherhood journey.

Relevant links

Dorka’s Hungarian website

Dorka's book Inspired Parenting

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  Yoga Nidra Retreat in London on 14 March 2020

Join Alison for her first Whole Mama Yoga Nidra Retreat in London

You can read more about the retreat here (https://www.alisonbarker.com/whole-mama-day-retreat-1)

Standard Tickets on sale are £120



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