This is Part 3 of the series of episodes on Why Women’s Health is Suffering and What You Can Do About It. This week Alison is looking at the deep need for sisterhood which, for many women, is an unmet need; we may not even consciously be aware that this is what our soul is crying out for.

Alison talks about why we need women’s circles and how coming together with other women can fulfil a deep spiritual need.

Women supporting women in this way and holding space for one another moves away from the patriarchal constructs towards the feminine - interconnection, vulnerability and relating to one another.

How many of us really feel heard? Do you start a conversation and then find you are interrupted or the person listening is just biding their time until they can interject with their story or you are corrected, judged or criticised or showered with meaningless compliments? Meeting women in circle is not about fixing anything it is about bearing witness to the magical alchemy that occurs when women sit in circle.

Related links

TED Talk by Jane Fonda (

Red Tent Directory (

Episode 41 Tend and Befriend (

Sacred Circles Book (

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Yoga Nidra Retreat in London on 14 March 2020

Join Alison for her first Whole Mama Yoga Nidra Retreat in London

You can read more about the retreat here (

Standard Tickets on sale are £120



The information and reference guides in this podcast are intended solely for the general information for the reader/listener. The contents of this podcast are not intended to offer personal medical advice, diagnose health problems or for treatment purposes. It is not a substitute for medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please consult your health care provider for any advice on medications.

The materials contained on this podcast are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. Alison Barker does not accept any responsibility for any loss, which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site.