About Emma

Emma Pickett has spent her career talking to young people about puberty, listening to their stories, and immersed in the world of breastfeeding support. As a Deputy Head and Year 6 teacher in inner London, she taught sex and relationships education for over a decade before having her own children.

When she realised how many new mums struggled with breastfeeding, it led to a career change and Emma qualified as a volunteer breastfeeding counsellor with the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers before going on to qualify as a lactation consultant. She has supported new families in North London for 10 years and answers calls on the National Breastfeeding Helpline. Her children are now 10 and 14.

She is currently chair of the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (https://abm.me.uk/), a charity established in 1979 training breastfeeding support volunteers and health professionals.

In 2016 she published You've Got it In You: A Positive Guide to Breastfeeding, followed in 2019 by The Breast Book.

Episode highlights

The lack of education around breasts and how they work - body literacy

Toxic messages around breasts focused on fear - typically the only message we get

Challenges with unsolicited advice from friends and family regarding breastfeeding

The challenges presented by doing the inner work as a grandparent

Maya Angelou quote "

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better"

Tips on how to deal with unsolicited advice as a new parent

The role of dads in breastfeeding

Team aspect of breastfeeding

Asking for help

The lack of support for new mums

Cluster feeding

How to trust your instincts when in midst of noise from others

Finding your tribe of support

Choosing parenting books wisely, as not all are equal

Amy Brown's research

Diversity in infant feeding

How your beliefs about yourself can impact your breastfeeding journey - the importance of self care and self love


Breastfeeding yummy mummies
Breastfeeding and parenting support group
ABM charity
Breastfeeding network
NCT helpline
Breastfeeding.support (http://breastfeeding.support/)
Dr Jack Newman
National breastfeeding helpline
La Leche league helpline and local leaders


Relevant links

Emma’s website (https://www.emmapickettbreastfeedingsupport.com/) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/emmapickettibclc)

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The materials contained on this podcast are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. Alison Barker does not accept any responsibility for any loss, which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site.