About Aviva

Aviva is a Yale MD, midwife, and herbalist who practices medicine and sees health a different way than a lot of doctors.

Aviva has spent the past 35 years (you would never guess from her photo!) dedicated to learning what really works when it comes to women's and children's health - when conventional medicine is optimal, and when it not only might not be the best option, but might be more harmful than natural alternatives. Aviva has also been on a 35-year pursuit to learn which natural approaches, from foods to herbs and supplements, to mind-body practices really work and for what. 

Aviva’s mission is simple: to give you the facts you can trust and the tools you need, bridging the best of traditional wisdom and modern medicine, so you can feel like yourself again and feel empowered in your choices - whether for staying healthy, or getting well. Aviva truly believes our bodies have the capacity to heal beyond what we've ever been led to believe.

Episode highlights

Aviva’s journey through midwifery, herbalism and then training to be a medical doctor in Yale.

How Aviva approaches holistic care with traditional medicine

Trusting your gut and following your heart

Autoimmune diseases in women’s health

The constant demands on women in our modern world

How women’s feelings and symptoms can be dismissed by the medical profession and medical bias

How the stress response works in our body and what kinds of stresses there are

The importance of nurturing our curiosity - why are so many women suffering so many health issues?

Aviva’s advice on how we can empower ourselves in our quest for answers to our health issues

Our bodies innate ability to heal

Aviva suggests questions we can pose to address our health issues. Great journalling questions to explore

How we all deserve to thrive unapologetically

Exploring what behaviours we are modelling to our children as motivation to take care of ourselves

How every mother needs a tupperware pot in times of stress!

The benefit of mothers sharing their unplugged vulnerable stories

The compare and despair culture for mothers in today’s culture

Pressure to be perfect particularly when living in isolation

The power of women rising up

Relevant links

Aviva’s website (https://avivaromm.com/about/) and her The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution (https://wordery.com/the-adrenal-thyroid-revolution-aviva-romm-9780062476340)

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The information and reference guides in this podcast are intended solely for the general information for the reader/listener. The contents of this podcast are not intended to offer personal medical advice, diagnose health problems or for treatment purposes. It is not a substitute for medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please consult your health care provider for any advice on medications.

The materials contained on this podcast are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. Alison Barker does not accept any responsibility for any loss, which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site.