Previous Episode: Episode 3: Magda's Journey

Magda brings the topic of self care to the momversation table. It's a worthy topic on this particular morning; Magda is tired and hasn't gotten enough sleep. She and Lynnette discuss the ways in which they used to think about self care before becoming mothers, how their perceptions have changed, and the huge problem with how American society views it as partially evidenced by how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got slammed for expressing her need for self care after an exhausting several months! Magda shares what self care looked like in her family growing up in Poland, and Lynnette shares how she used to laugh about the "designated nap time" when she lived in China for a year. Magda talks about how hitting "rock bottom" forced her to think about self care differently, and Lynnette talks about she used to think of therapy as "crisis intervention" but now sees it as self care.

P.s. It's winter in Chicago! The radiators in Lynnette's 100+ year old condo make themselves heard in this episode! Please bear with us! They don't last for long!