A lack of support during her postpartum transition inspired today’s guest, Kate Turza, to become a certified postpartum doula. Feelings of frustration and loneliness crept over her after the birth of her third child. Her searches for support in her rural Long Island community came up empty. She decided to offer women the support she wished she’d had by becoming a doula and by joining the board of a non-profit that facilitates a monthly birth circle.

During our conversation, Kate shares the problems she encountered during breastfeeding due to a retained placenta and lack of hormones, how doula training brought balance back into her life, and the struggles mothers and partners face finding community and support today’s individualized culture.

We talk about why postpartum support is absolutely negotiable, why you might want a postpartum Doula, and how to get the support you need even if there aren’t a lot of resources in your community.

In This Episode:

What a postpartum doula does

What a postpartum doula does not do

How mothers put pressure on themselves by setting unrealistic goals

How she dealt with increased anxiety during her postpartum transition

The struggles of breastfeeding and sleep deprivation for many new mothers

How a retained placenta affects a new mothers ability to nurse

How societal changes are affecting the fourth trimester

Considering a partner’s emotional needs during the birth cycle

Creating a support community for mothers and partners

Where to find support in the U.S. and internationally

How to build your maternity wardrobe with style and ease

Show Notes:

La Leche League — U.S. Branch

DONA — International Doula Training

CAPPA — International Doula Certification

Trust Your Body Again — Motherbirth Course

Stitch Fix — Create a Style Profile and Have Clothes Delivered Right to Your Front Door