Today’s guest, Amy Griffith uses the calming power of yoga and relaxed breathing to slow her life down and to enjoy the present moment. She utilizes these techniques daily as a mother, and found them to be invaluable during each of her four births - including her recent twins’ birth that didn’t go according to plan at all.

Amy gets personal on her first two empowering homebirths and the dramatic tale of her twins’ birth, including being threatened with a court order if she didn’t agree to a cesarean. A force to be reckoned with, Amy didn’t back down and secretly pushed her first baby out. We have been so excited to share this story since we first heard about it!

We get into how yoga and breathwork affect our pregnancy, birth and postpartum experiences, and the joy she feels in helping other women through their motherhood journeys.

As a professional dancer in New York City, Amy used yoga to counter the hustle and bustle of city life. She has always been fascinated with pregnancy and after her first baby, she decided to create videos for expectant mothers that focus on positivity, presence, stillness, and healing. Her collection of videos now includes postnatal care and she offers postnatal fitness classes locally in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Expectful is a guided meditation app for each stage of the motherhood journey — you can sign up for an exclusive one-month free trial here!

In This Episode:

● How yoga can assist pregnant women before, during, and after birth

● Getting into the mommy warrior zone

● How her first birth was an accidental homebirth

● Having a midwife present at a hospital birth

● The benefits of yoga during prenatal and postnatal care

● How she felt in between the births of her first and second twin babies

● The disappointment of going into labor before 37 weeks with the twins and not being able to birth at home

● How she dealt with hospital staff who had different ideas about how she should give birth

● What it’s like to have a water birth

● Being told by a doctor that she would be forced to have a C-section against her will

● The importance of feeling safe with your birth team

● How to get a free one-month trial of guided meditations through Expectful

Show Notes:

Expectful — One Month Free Trial for MotherBirth Community Members

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