From a very young age, Stephanie Tillman was called to care for people. After a short time of studying to become a physician, she discovered the model of midwifery was more aligned with her personal goals of providing humanistic care to people. She is a passionate and vocal advocate for women’s rights, queer and trans health care, reproductive rights and for breaking down power dynamics in health care relationships.

On her Feminist Midwife blog, she writes about her experiences in serving people’s sexual and reproductive health needs and provides educational resources for providers looking to adopt an empathetic approach. Her compassionate method of care includes talking through the intimate experience of gynecological care, the importance of asking for consent, and empowering the people she provides care to.

During this inspirational and informative conversation, she shares why it’s important that caregivers prioritze the transfer of power and knowledge to the patient and details the process she uses when working with people including assuming everyone she works with comes from a place of trauma.

Expectful is a guided meditation app for each stage of the motherhood journey — you can sign up for an exclusive 1-month free trial here!

In This Episode:

● The history of midwifery and the many roles of a midwife

● How she works and communicates with people of different cultures and colors

● How she holds space and stays present for people as a midwife

● Her concern of violence against women in the name of healthcare

● How she works to decrease blatant human rights violations in people’s bodies

● How to balance power and allow people to ask for the type of treatment they are seeking

● The opportunity to create intentional, conscious healthcare providers

● How she creates resources for midwives who work with the queer and trans population

● How instances of sexual assault are higher in the queer community and with people of color

● How she removes judgment by assuming all people come from a place of trauma

● How to get a free one-month trial of guided meditations through Expectful

● Join us for our 3o Days of Mindfulness this month — more info on our Facebook page

Show Notes:

Expectful — One Month Free Trial for MotherBirth Community Members

Feminist Midwife Blog

30 Days of Mindfulness with Motherbirth and Expectful