In today’s episode, we speak with three extraordinary women who are dedicating their lives to the service of others. All three are birth workers who embrace respecting a woman’s cultural heritage and traditions. They candidly share their personal journeys and the wisdom they have cultivated over their many years of service.

T’Karima believes that birth is a ceremony. She is an American who deeply identifies with her Mexican roots. She is researching a highly controversial topic — using peyote during labor and giving birth in sweat lodges like many indigenous Latin American cultures do.

Missy is a certified midwife who serves all people. She is an advocate of human rights and for the LGBTQ+ community. She is working to implement an IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) program within her practice.

Mary Rose is a nurse/midwife who left the Army at 18 when she became pregnant after being raped. She gave birth to her son at The Farm in Tennessee. She stayed at the Farm for four years as a midwife assistant apprentice and she now serves Navajo women on a reservation.

We sat with these women and heard their powerful stories and now share their power with you.

*This episode was recorded live from our Motherbirth booth at the American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Conference.

In This Episode:

The importance of respecting cultural heritage and customs
Supporting a mother’s choice of birth environment and method
Giving birth in a sweat lodge
Using medicinal plants during pregnancy and childbirth
Midwife care for LGBTQ+ communities
Implementing an IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) program
What midwives can do next
Identifying with multiple cultures
The importance of language while serving all people
Running away from the army after being raped and having no recourse
Finding a safe place on The Farm to give birth and heal
Setting a foundation of love and peace for children
Using crowdfunding to save for future college expenses

Show Notes:

American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Conference

T’Karima Ticitl on Facebook

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