It’s a girl! On Valentine’s Day last year Mellisa welcomed a beautiful baby daughter into the world and into her family where she was meant to be. During this episode, Mellisa recounts her pregnancies, births, and losses. She shares how years of deep personal work and the support of community helped her build the confidence to trust her body again after a devastating full term stillbirth and multiple miscarriage.

Throughout 5 pregnancies, 3 births and 2 babies, Mellisa has been emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually shaken and forced to evaluate what she really believes about birth and motherhood. So, how did she move from a space of utter brokenness to the decision to continue trying even though though there are no guarantees? Her courage came from cultivating an inner knowing that she was meant to be a mother and that her body was not broken.

We are so excited to share this final chapter in Mellisa’s story with you today - so many of you have been part of it and part of encouraging her throughout her journey.

If you have experienced loss and want to learn how to trust your body again, Mellisa is launching a new program based on her experiences that includes group & one-on-one coaching, grief exploration, confidence-building exercises and community support. Email her at [email protected] if you are interested in more info!

In This Episode:

● How she overcame the fear that she may not have been able to have more children
● Making the decision to try to have children after multiple losses
● How listening to her intuition put her in a safe space
● The emotional impact of stillbirths and miscarriages
● Choosing a homebirth despite criticism from some people
● How a comforting birthing environment can make all the difference
● The importance of family and friends to help build confidence
● The joy of welcoming her daughter after years of waiting

Show Notes:

Stitch Fix — Find a maternity stylist who will help you build your pregnancy and postpartum wardrobe delivered right to your door.

Motherbirth Podcast — Mellisa’s Story: Part 1 - Episode 31 & Part 2- Episode 32

Email [email protected] for information about Mellisa’s new program: Trusting Your Body Again After Loss