When you are on the right path you don’t always recognize it at first. Roadblocks often seem like the perfect place to give up. Laura, the co-host of the Motherbirth podcast, didn’t give up. She has been pursuing her life’s calling of becoming a nurse-midwife for years. During this episode, Laura shares the intimate details of her personal journey, her ups and downs, how her determination has paid off, and the reason she energetically advocates for women’s healthcare issues.

Laura believes passionately in the midwifery model of care.  She would like to see all women receive the support of a midwife or doula offers in terms of holistic care.  Throughout her challenging journey to be able to provide this kind of care to women herself, Laura has worked as a doula, labor and delivery nurse, and is now finishing her doctorate in Midwifery.   Advocacy on behalf of immigrants, minorities and people without access to health care is a big part of her her work and the passion that she cultivates daily in her education and practice as a birthworker.

Hearing behind the scenes of how Laura got to where she is today and how she is able to bring so much wisdom and experience to Motherbirth was a true joy; and we know you will love learning more about her journey too!


In This Episode:

● How the role of a midwife differs from an OB/GYN

● How laws for midwives differ by state

● The importance of engaging in women’s healthcare rights

● The close personal relationship between a doula and a mother-to-be

● How women should trust their intuition and their bodies

● How a culture shift is needed in the U.S. surrounding women’s healthcare rights

● How insurance companies treat women differently than men


Show Notes:

Birthing Stone — Baby Sleep Program

Birthingway College

American College of Nurse-Midwives