Despite being a believer in out-of-hospital births, Page Rose ended up giving birth to her first two biological children in a protocol-driven hospital. Pregnant with her first child, Page went to the hospital due to back pain, where she was shocked to find out she was in preterm labor at just 33 weeks.

There was no known medical reason for Page to be going into labor. Even though the doctors told her she was having contractions, she couldn't feel them.  As things unfolded, fear and disappointment crept over her as she realized she wouldn’t be able to follow her birth plan and would have to have a Cesarean.

Page got real with us about how her birth plan set her up for failed expectations as well as a lot of trauma and how she found healing in her journey as a mother.  The beautiful story of her redemptive second VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) at home in the water and of making it to 39 weeks after two premature births is an emotional one - not to be missed!


In This Episode:

● Her first baby being in the NICU for 2 ½ weeks and the staff only agreeing to allow 50% breast milk even after Page pleaded

● How triggers from Page’s past added to her postpartum depression

● How transitioning from being a hospital patient to being a visitor there to see her baby was agonizing

● How a support group like ICAN can make a huge different in relieving mental and emotional stress during the postpartum period especially after a traumatic birth

● Being determined to make it to full-term with her third so she could finally have her homebirth

● Why it’s important to hold your birth plan loosely and consider preparing for multiple scenarios

● The importance of prenatal and postnatal self-care


Show Notes:

Birthing Stone Baby Sleep Coaching Program — This Week’s Sponsor

International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN)

The Difficult Transition from NICU to Home


About This Guest:

Page Rose is a mother of five. Her family of three biological children, two stepchildren and husband live in the Northwest. Page is a postpartum doula and an advocate for maternal mental health and loves to support families in their transitional years. Page documents her day-to-day life with littles through beautiful photography and honest representations of being a mother - you can find her here:

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