Few people have the tenacity and the resolve to recognize a gap in women’s health care services and then break down the barriers to fill the gap and find a place for themselves amid the new design. But, that is exactly what today’s guest, Director of Midwifery Care, Nikia Grayson, CNM, DNP, MPH did at CHOICES — Memphis Center for Reproductive Health in Memphis, Tennessee.

Coming from the DC area, Nikia found the infant mortality rates among families of color in Memphis distressing. With a lack of community-based programs and very little influence left over from the Granny Midwives of the past, Nikia set her sights on creating a high-quality, non-judgmental, comprehensive reproductive health center the entire community could use.

The organization Nikia helped transform — CHOICES — started as a cash-only abortion clinic. The organization now provides different health care choices based on community needs. During our conversation, Nikia shares information about her personal journey to becoming a midwife, the new birthing center, and how MotherBirth listeners can support the program.

Her passion for women, providing equal access for the entire community, and focusing on the entire spectrum of reproductive health needs is so inspiring. We are so excited to share this incredible conversation.

In This Episode:

The barriers to becoming a midwife
How she built trust and relationships within the community
How funds are raised for the reproductive center
How policy and politics have disrupted the long-standing tradition of midwifery
The importance of high-quality, non-judgmental care
How the same women who have babies are the same women who have abortions
Why having a birth team is important
The past role of a Granny Midwife in a community
How to support the work of CHOICES, locally or otherwise
How to get a free 1-month trial of guided meditations through Expectful

Show Notes:

Memphis CHOICES Website

Memphis CHOICES on Facebook

@MotherBirth.co on Instagram

Expectful — 1 Month Free Trial for MotherBirth Community Members